The Hire Sense » 2006 » June » 03

Archive for June 3rd, 2006

Quick Ad Tip

We are sourcing for a handful of different positions right now (more than just sales positions) and are seeing an interesting trend. The major job boards (CareerBuilder and Monster) are most active on Tuesday. We post our ads on Tuesday and receive most of our responses on that day and the next day (Wed.). The smaller, niche sites seem to be more active on the weekends – mainly Friday afternoon and Saturday.

Keep that trend in mind next time you post an ad.

Sales Trainer’s Perspective

I am not familiar with Mark Giganti but I am enjoying his interview at Landing the Deal. Giganti comments on common sales management mistakes:

“Most managers I begin training are just at the point where they begin managing people with the “golden rule” philosophy: “Manage people as you would want to be managed. But I try and get them to see that gold isn’t good enough anymore…they need to get to the “platinum rule” philosophy: “Manage people as they need to be managed.” There’s a big difference.

“Also, I see a lot of professionals who like to ‘manage from the hip’. No plan, no real reason for doing what they do. I liken it to going into battle with a bow and arrow. They manage poorly because they don’t like change, which is where I come in.”

These mistakes are the same ones we see in the market also. As I commented in a post yesterday, most sales managers manage to their own style instead of the salesperson’s style. This self-focused management approach leads to “winging it” since they stick to their own style and do not adapt away from it.