Interview Questions That Numb the Mind

100 Potential Interview Questions. Nothing we like more than a list here at The Hire Sense. Some of the questions from are utterly inane. I give you number 96: With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes. I’m not kidding. Some I wouldn’t know what a good answer would entail if I were asking the question. For example, number 40: If you were an animal, which one would you want to be? I shouldn’t be too harsh since there are some good ones also in the list like number 27: Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.… Read More

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Ghost Written Sales Resumes

Direct from an online posting at a job board: The job search is a sales and marketing endeavor. YOU are the product, YOU are the salesperson and YOU must define your customers and promote yourself to them via a powerful, focused resume. If you’re able to do that on your own, great! If not, let us help. Can’t stress it enough – make sure you read all resumes with a huge grain of salt.

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