The Hire Sense » Top Interview Questions

Top Interview Questions

Check out this article – Top Interview Questions – from  It provides a handful of interview questions along with the rationale behind them.  A quick taste:

How do you alleviate stress?

Every job has stress. So if someone says they are not stressed or claim to not do anything about it, then they are either lying or they do not know how to control it. Look for positive activities or hobbies, rather than substance use or dangerous activities as stress relievers.

What was a major obstacle you were able to overcome in the past year?

Problem solving is the major topic covered by this question. What kind of thinker is this candidate? Can they do projects on their own or does their manager need to hold their hand. It also confirms how determined they can be toward a project.

And finally one we often ask in our sales candidate interviews:

What tools or habits do you use to keep organized?

Instead of asking are you an organized person, this makes the interviewee prove and describe their organizational skills. Most hiring managers expect that their employees have some type of system to stay organized. Whether it is using a planner, or electronic calendar, these tools confirm that the potential employee is reliable and responsible.

Obviously some of the questions are far better than others, but I am certain most hiring managers enjoy reading interview questions and strategies.  I’m sure you have also realized that many job seekers are reading this article too.

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