The Hire Sense » 2007 » July » 05

Archive for July 5th, 2007

Great Cover Email Line

One guy closes with this line:

P.S. – I haven’t taken a sick day in years – I don’t get sick.

I don’t know why, but that line caught my attention and made me laugh.  Not a bad technique to stand out in a crowd.

Sales Traits Series – Surrendering Control

This week we focus on a trait that is strongly needed in a team-based sale.  The salesperson needs to be the lead on a team-based sale, but they have to have the ability to let the other team members do their part.  If the salesperson struggles in this area, they will be less efficient and more dictatorial in their interaction.  A bad mix in today’s market.

Surrendering Control
The ability of a salesperson to surrender control of a given situation, or outcome, to another person or group of people. The ability to be comfortable in a situation where a significant portion of the responsibility for achieving a goal lies in the hands of others.

A salesperson with strength in this trait will be comfortable trusting other team members with the success of a mutual objective.

A salesperson with weakness in this area will have difficulty turning responsibility over. They want control when the results of a task will impact them directly.