The Hire Sense » The Select Metrix Survey Says…

The Select Metrix Survey Says…

Ok, there isn’t a Select Metrix survey and Richard Dawson isn’t screaming “survey says” anymore. Nonetheless, most of the major job boards have a quarterly report that details the hiring landscape. Now this morning I see that some of the smaller boards are starting to release their own survey results. released their Quarterly Executive Employment Outlook. We have minimal experience with but I have read many good things about it. Their focus is on $100K+ jobs which puts a management-level focus on their results.

From the press release:

The survey also revealed a growing trend among senior level executives to search for new employment in order to accomplish their career goals. Sixty-three percent of job seekers said they are not likely to achieve their career goals with their current employers. And 75% report that they are more likely to attain career satisfaction at a different company.

If you have read our blog for any amount of time, you know that these numbers are fairly consistent no matter what the source. It seems that 66 to 75% of employees are looking at other opportunities, whether it be a casual awareness or a full-fledged search. This ear-to-the-tracks approach to furthering one’s career is the modus operandi for the current Information Age.

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