The Hire Sense » 2006 » July

Archive for July, 2006

How Not To Stand Out – Part 3

More fun with the online resumes. See if you notice anything about this email cover statement:

“If your a serious company, that knows how to compensate your consultants, and your looking for serious help, call.”

Spelling error aside, it is not wise to challenge the seriousness of a company when you are job hunting. I’m not sure if there is ever a good time for that topic.

Anyway, you notice that this self-proclaimed “serious” salesperson wants the company to call him. Not exactly a self-starting approach. I would be quite cautious regarding a sales candidate who is waiting for the phone to ring as opposed to aggressively contacting prospective employers himself.

Deep Thoughts in Email Signatures

It’s a holiday weekend so we’ll look for levity here at The Hire Sense. Remember “Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey” on Saturday Night Live? This article from is quite amusing in that same vein. The author comments on those pithy little sayings that many emailers attach to their signature. Read the article – it is quite amusing.

My favorite:

“There are 10 kinds of people in this world — Those who understand binary and those who don’t.”

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