The Hire Sense » 2012 » June » 28

Archive for June 28th, 2012

Bad Habits Are Good?

I am struggling with this article – 12 Bad Habits That Can Actually Help Your Career.  Here is one example:


Today’s work culture expects us to multitask, run from one project to the next, and constantly be on the go. The urge to procrastinate indicates your brain is overtired, overstressed, and needs to slow down. Indulge and take a time out. You’ll come back refreshed, and better able to focus on the tasks at hand.

What?  Indulge and take a time out?  As a manager, procrastination from my direct reports was…discouraged.  I never recall telling them to indulge and take a time out.  To me it seems like a bridge too far in this article.