From Yahoo Finance comes this BusinessWeek article – When an Employer Just Is Not That Into You:
Here are some signs that they’re just not that into you, and you’d be better served pursuing other opportunities:
1. Silence After Initial Contact
2. Difficulty Scheduling a Phone Screen
3. Last-Minute Interview Changes
4. Delay in Post-Interview Contact
5. Too Many Changes in the Process
6. Slow Follow-Up After Second Interview
7. Delay in Extending the Offer
There are paragraphs written under each of these 7 topics and I strongly encourage you to read them. Do you notice any pattern to the 7 topics? A lack of structure and a lack of communication. The author is accurate in her topics in that these are the very items for which we struggle, at times, with our clients.
Unstructured, unsure hiring practices are a huge red flag for candidates. Silence is also a good way to derail a strong candidate. We consistently monitor the frequency of “touches” (email, phone call, meeting, etc.) we have with a candidate to keep the process moving.
Finally, a great point from the article:
With corporate rigmarole being what it is, it’s hard to get an offer letter approved these days. There may be a few days’ delay between the call that says, “We really like you! Let’s talk terms!” and the arrival of a written offer letter. A few days means three or four days, max. If you’ve been waiting a week-and-a-half and you haven’t heard an update, you’re being insulted. They don’t think it’s worth their time to pick up the phone and explain what obstacles they’re running into — or maybe they’ve lost interest.
You’ll just have to cool your heels and wonder about that. That’s a terrible sign, and a big signal to find a more communicative employer.
I couldn’t agree more as stated in this post from June.