This report just cuts against common sense in many ways. From Yahoo News’ Bad bosses get promoted, not punished?

In the study to be presented at a conference on management this weekend, almost two-thirds of the 240 participants in an online survey said the local workplace tyrant was either never censured or was promoted for domineering ways.

Whenever I see these types of surveys, I wonder about the wording. “Domineering ways” is definitely a fuzzy phrase. I would guess that the respondents may simply have had an issue with a High D style.

I’ve worked for quite a few bad bosses and I know the stress involved with them. Some of these items seems a bit much:

Despite their success in the office, spiteful supervisors can cause serious malaise for their subordinates, the study suggested, citing nightmares, insomnia, depression and exhaustion as symptoms of serving a brutal boss.

Color me skeptical on these results.

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