The Hire Sense » Resume Knock-Out Factors

Resume Knock-Out Factors reposted an older article regarding resume errors that land in the “no interest” pile. From These Resume Gaffes Do Immediate Damage:

These knockout factors invariably mean sure death to a person’s candidacy. They typically include:
1. An objective that doesn’t match current openings.
2. Inappropriate or insufficient educational credentials.
3. Incompatible salary requirements.
4. Poorly organized, sloppy or hard-to-read content.
5. Geographic restrictions incompatible with current openings.
6. A long list of employers in a short period of time.
7. Too much information.
8. A lack of U.S. citizen or permanent-resident status.

The list is comprehensive, but I have to add one more item – misspellings. We’ve posted on this topic in the past. How many typos are acceptable? In sales, the concern is that the salesperson represents the company to the outside world, mainly the prospect and customer base. Their email communication has to be up to par. Their proposals need to be perfect. I have seen written proposals for $100,000 deals with spelling errors in them. For me, this is inexcusable.

When you get to hiring, spelling errors are indicative of the quality of their work. As a sales manager, I would not want to burden of having to double check every written piece of communication generated by this salesperson.

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