The Hire Sense » Psychologically Unemployable

Psychologically Unemployable – Returning to the Corporate Fold After a Stint As Your Own Boss:

“After seven years of running your own business, you’re a renegade,” Mr. Eberharter says. “I call people like this ‘psychologically unemployable.’ “

What a fantastic saying – I laughed out loud when I read it. I often tell the Rock Star I am unemployable.

There is a good piece of advice for any jobseeker tucked in the article:

If you’re determined to find a corporate job, you likely need to redo your resume since yours isn’t opening doors to the higher-level positions you should be targeting, says Jewel Bracy DeMaio, a resume writer in Sanatoga, Pa. “The job of your resume is to get a quality response, not a quantity response,” she says. “Yours isn’t doing that, so most likely it isn’t written correctly.”

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