The Hire Sense » 2006 » December

Archive for December, 2006

CEO Trend

I’m a fan of Anthony Meaney’s blog over at He has a great riff today on an interesting trend – publicly traded company CEOs leaving to join privately held equity firms. The reason from Anthony:

Private equity firms are not publicly traded and are not beholden to shareholders, activists, wall street analysts or reporters. Therefore they don’t have to produce unrealistic linear growth every quarter and can make financial decisions for the long term.

I am all for CEOs receiving the best pay package they can. It is a free market which means the market will determine the CEOs value to the company. Plus, not all CEOs are crooks, though at times that fact is well hidden by the media.

“Don’t Hire In December”

Wrong. There are many myths regarding December hiring, but we have found it to always be an abundant time for sourcing salespeople. A Recruiter’s View: Five Myths About Holiday Job Hunting discusses the most common myths.

A couple specific points from the article:

3. Positions open up in late November or early December because many professionals quit their jobs this time of year. As David Knowles, a senior recruiter with Excel Unlimited, an executive search firm in Houston, says, “The holidays can bring on a time of longing to be closer to family, roots and people. If no bonus is involved, people often will quit Dec. 1, and give two weeks notice so that they can be with family for the holidays.” Professionals who have been looking to leave a company will plan their resignations in order to start a job right after the new year.

We have seen this play out frequently. Many strong employees tough it out during the year but Dec. 31 seems to be a tripwire in their mental tolerance. If they are in a deteriorating environment, the new year becomes a natural target for a fresh start.

6. Strong companies often want to start the new year with a bang. “Companies that are forecasting profits want to have key people in place to start the year off well,” says Mr. Knowles. Sales organizations often have their national sales meetings in January and want to have their whole sales force on hand.

Weak companies follow this approach too when hiring salespeople. National sales meetings are a real motivator for hiring.

During the holidays, job candidates need to make sure they’ll be available.

This point is one of the strongest reasons for hiring in December. Most candidates can be available during the month. This article discusses Christmas eve and New Year’s Day interviews. I don’t find much merit in those approaches. The holidays should still be the holidays and spent with family and friends. But that week between Christmas and New Years can be a bountiful time for interviews if the candidate is willing to invest an hour or two.

The other side of this pattern is retention. As an employer, it is an important time to be in communication with your top performers and to build for the upcoming year. Above all else, make sure that these employees do not feel neglected or under appreciated. That ambivalence on the employer’s part is the primary factor leading to employee turnover.

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