August 22, 2012
5 Tips For Hiring A Sales Manager
This Selling Power article is a quick, solid read. The 5 tips are all on point with this one being my favorite:
2) Metrics without context. Your candidate noted that his or her team closed $2 million in sales last year. That’s great. But what was the quota? What were the expectations? Was this half of what your potential new hire and the team were expected to do? Or did they not only exceed quota, but also outperform every other sales team at the company? Don’t rely on metrics alone; your candidate should provide context that tells the whole story.
So much of resume information is devoid of context yet many hiring managers buy into the information. Every candidate seems to have some remarkable numbers/statistics/results in their resume, but far fewer provide the context to define the success they claim. Always look for this information in the resume. If you have a candidate that you would like to pursue, it is certainly a good practice to contact that candidate and ask for clarification.