The Hire Sense » 2010 » September » 20

Archive for September 20th, 2010

Hypnotizing The Hiring Manager

I just caught up to this email from regarding anecdotal stories from hiring managers.  These types of stories come out frequently and, honestly, I never get tired of them.  Here is the bulleted list:

When asked for the most memorable missteps they encountered when going through resumes, human resource managers and hiring managers reported the following:

• Candidate put God down as a reference (no phone number).

• Candidate listed her hobby as alligator watching.

• Candidate claimed to be a direct descendant of the Vikings.

• Candidate’s email address had “lovesbeer” in it.

• Candidate listed “Master of Time and Universe” under his experience.

• Candidate started off the application with “Do you want a tiger?”

• Candidate specifically pointed out that he was not a gypsy.

• Candidate’s condition for accepting the position was being allowed to bring his pet monkey to the workplace.

• Candidate pointed out, “I’ll have your job in five years.”

• Candidate sent a 24-page resume for a 5-year career.

• Candidate put a picture of her cat on top of her resume.

• Candidate declared himself the LeBron James of table games.

• Candidate sent a video trying to hypnotize the HR manager into hiring him.

That last one is excellent…I’m still laughing.

Strongest Performing Cities

I’m not sure what to make of this, but it caught my eye:

Overall, the reading on local economies is still grim though, as home prices continue to fall and unemployment rates remain historically high, the report said.

The list of strongest-performing areas included several middle American cities that were boosted by an uptick in manufacturing jobs and home price declines that were more modest than in other parts of the nation. The weakest performers were mostly sunbelt cities which saw some of the largest declines in home prices and continue to lag behind the rest of the country.


Honolulu just jumps off the page for me.