January 20, 2010
I Don’t See The Point Of Twitter
I know the Twitterheads are going to flame this, but I have to agree with Ricky Gervais:
But after composing only five Tweets, Gervais gave up on January 9, telling his 13,000 followers he was going to stop his updates because “I don’t see the point.” He followed up with an explanation on his blog, calling Twitter “undignified.” (As opposed, say, to David Brent dance.)
“I just don’t get it, I’m afraid,” Gervais wrote. “I’m sure it’s fun as a networking device for teenagers but there’s something a bit undignified about adults using it. Particularly celebrities who seem to be showing off by talking to each other in public.”
I have not invested much time into Twitter so I have probably a comparable amount of knowledge regarding it as Mr. Gervais.
Flame on.