The Hire Sense » 2009 » March » 16

Archive for March 16th, 2009

The Downward Spiral To Commoditization

We’re fans of Jeff Thull here at The Hire Sense and his latest article on the only supports our belief.  Anyone who has been in sales longer than a day has seen a sea change in the customer relationship over the past couple of years.  Rapid commoditization is a huge problem even for “unique” solutions.

Here is the crux of what is happening (emphasis mine):

Seeking competitive differentiation through increasing uniqueness and complexity can be a deadly double-edged sword, especially if building that differentiation exceeds the needs and understanding of your customers.  You and your competition may believe you have a high-value product or service, but if your customers can’t comprehend, calculate or measure that value, they see a sameness and will respond by ignoring the features they do not need or simply won’t care.

Many sales hours are wasted building differentiation that may, or may not, be of vital interest to the prospect.  This is also known as qualifying and it is in great demand in this economy.

Thull provides 4 suggestions for handling the downward spiral to commoditization.  Here is a taste of one suggestion:

In the complex sale, the search for a mythical buyer – “the decision maker” – is fruitless. Today the majority of decisions, quality decisions, are the result of a consensus building effort – an effort that the best of sales professionals orchestrate with multiple people either deciding on or influencing the decision to buy. It is your responsibility to manage the issues of the transaction from multiple perspectives. You must connect your unique value offer to each individual in the context of his or her job responsibilities and their own self-interest. Using the same approach from middle management up through the C-Level will prove to be futile.

Read the entire thing…

A Port In The Storm

If ever there was a time to make a move into the healthcare sales market, now is it.  According to

“Healthcare continued to add jobs in February, with a gain of 27,000. Job growth occurred in ambulatory healthcare (16,000) and in hospitals (7,000). Employment gains in the industry averaged 30,000 a month in 2008,” the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this and last month alongside news that the nation’s overall number of unemployed individuals increased by 5 million over the last year.

Select Metrix is located in the Twin Cities which is home to United Health Group, Medtronic and most of the other medical device players.  This market is one that continues to hire as the Baby Boomers continue to age.  The demand is only going to increase over the next decade or two.

My generation – Gen X – will not put the same demand on the healthcare system since there is far fewer of us in comparison to the Boomers.  But that layoff is many, many years away.