The Hire Sense » 2008 » October » 01

Archive for October 1st, 2008

Lame Buzzwords has a fantastic list of lame buzzwords to avoid when selling (or speaking in general as far as I am concerned).  Here is the setup straight from the article:

A buzzword is “an important-sounding usually technical word or phrase often of little meaning used chiefly to impress laymen.” –Merriam-Webster

Think about it… do statements full of buzzwords communicate anything specific to your prospects and customers? Do you like hearing buzzwords?

Amen.  And now for just a partial list of the buzzwords:

    • benchmark
    • best in class
    • best practices
    • change agent
    • core competency
    • cross-functional
    • dynamic
    • empower
    • growth initiative
    • interface
    • metrics
    • optimize
    • paradigm shift
    • partner
    • proactive
    • streamline
    • synergy
    • user-friendly

Metrics?  Now I am insulted.  “Synergy” has got to be the worst one in the list.

Q4 Hiring Stats

I think it is safe to say that predictions in this economy are difficult AT BEST to make accurately.  However, CareerBuilder has come out with their Q4 hiring forecast that contains some interesting information:


Going forward, 23 percent of employers plan to add full-time, permanent employees in the next three months, a slight decline from the previous quarter. Ten percent plan to decrease headcount while 63 percent anticipate no change and 4 percent are undecided.

I always find the “no change” group as being rather esoteric – I assume that means no expansion or contraction.  But what of replacement?  If their company has normal attrition, will they replace them?

The large and medium companies continue to lead in hiring trend:

Twenty-seven percent of employers with more than 250 employees plan to add full-time, permanent positions in the fourth quarter compared to 26 percent of those with 51 to 250 employees and 16 percent of those with 1 to 50 employees.

The economy continues to be a mixed bag despite the reports of impending financial apocalypse.