The Hire Sense » 2006 » May » 08

Archive for May 8th, 2006

Accepting An Offer…Then Taking a Different Offer

The title sounds a bit abnormal but we actually experienced this fiasco earlier this year with one of our customers. The candidate accepted the offer and agreed to start in 3 weeks (she was moving from another state). To our surprise and our customer’s dismay, she contacted them approximately 10 days after accepting to say she took a different opportunity.

The hiring landscape is changing with the younger generation. I have never heard of a candidate backing out of an agreed upon offer with a firm start date.

I guess I am naive because I just read this article from Who knows, maybe the author of the question was our candidate?

Our Growing Article List

We are on a new blog engine so our old posts are toast. That means we’ll have to point out some specific topics. One item is our ever-increasing (albeit slowly) article list which can be found here.

The 2005 articles cover high points from our unique hiring process while the 2006 articles are a bit broader in their topics. A couple quick hits to pique your interest – from our 10 Commandments of Successful Sales Selection:

  • Always select talent and skills over experience.
  • Do not assume you are the candidates’ only option.

Provocative? I hope so. Hiring strong salespeople requires a process that peels back the shiny veneer to get to the underlying layers that determine success.

The New Look

Welcome to our new and improved blog. Our previous blog was one of convenience, but not feature-rich like this updated version. We will continue to post about current hiring trends, sales management techniques and general employee information that we find insightful, helpful or laughable. Hope you enjoy the new layout and please drop us a comment.