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Archive for the 'Website' Category

Updated Home Page

Today we have completed some minor updates to our home page. Our goal is to make the page easier to navigate, offer a complimentary assessment and provide a news section for general announcements.

We will have more updates and releases coming soon. And thanks to Matthew Mills at Piperdown Studio for his ongoing expertise in developing our relatively new website design.

Internet Talk Radio

We may be behind the times here at The Hire Sense, but we keep trying to catch up. I’m sure most readers are familiar with You Tube which is a fantastic site for uploading videos to share. Today I just discovered WSRadio which is internet talk radio. I was shocked at the number of business shows already on the “station” (is that what it is called?). These are completely web-based radio shows – no over-the-air versions that I could find in a cursory scan of the site.

Updated RSS Feed Information

2 pages have been added to The Hire Sense to assist readers who prefer to use an RSS feed. We have explained the 2 most popular options for receiving our postings.

What is RSS? – provides an explanation of an RSS feed and provides you with some software options.

What is FeedBurner? – explains the email RSS option we also offer on our site if you would prefer receiving 1 email a day with all of our previous day’s postings.

I hope that information provides a couple of good formats in which to receive our postings. Of course, you can always choose to simply visit our site via your web browser. One final note on that topic – we have set up the domain which will bring you right to this blog.

Thanks to all of our readers for helping us grow this blog on a daily basis.

Article Released – Hiring Adjustments for Generations X & Y

Hiring Adjustments for Generations X & Y covers the changes we are seeing in the hiring process based on the up-and-coming generations. The main points in this article flow from our firsthand experience in the hiring process – especially over the past 2 years.

An excerpt:

“Gen X and Y candidates are looking for a “skills path.” They desire to understand what skills are needed to be successful in the position today. The long-term incentive is to understand what skills they will personally develop or acquire within the company. They prefer a horizontal management structure and respond to personal skill development. Titles are out. Responsibilities are in.”

Updated Pages on Sales Skills

We have updated the information on our Sales Skills page to be more explicit in describing the abilities we measure with that assessment. Part of our process is to analyze all of the reports in sum to identify what we call “threads” that run through them. The threads reveal call reluctance, hunting vs. farming, discounting and many other pieces of information that differentiate the best salesperson from the best interviewee.

We will be adding a threads page at some point, but for now, check out the expanded detail of the Salles Skills section.

Our Growing Article List

We are on a new blog engine so our old posts are toast. That means we’ll have to point out some specific topics. One item is our ever-increasing (albeit slowly) article list which can be found here.

The 2005 articles cover high points from our unique hiring process while the 2006 articles are a bit broader in their topics. A couple quick hits to pique your interest – from our 10 Commandments of Successful Sales Selection:

  • Always select talent and skills over experience.
  • Do not assume you are the candidates’ only option.

Provocative? I hope so. Hiring strong salespeople requires a process that peels back the shiny veneer to get to the underlying layers that determine success.

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