This article is from the Salesopedia website. The article is excellent and rather amusing to read (probably since I am guilty of many of the author’s items). For instance:
If you’re a professional salesperson and you’re not selling, it could be because:
• You are boring. Do customers cut you off in mid-sentence, or jump in when you pause for breath? Chances are, you’re boring them. Paint a vivid picture and put them in it; use an example or interesting case history to illustrate your point. Whip out some visuals to show them how much they will save.
I love it. When is the last time your read something that candid? The second point is one we see often amongst salespeople who have been through some training but have not internalized it:
• You insult their intelligence. “Mr. Jones, would you like to save money on your long distance phone bill?” Polling prospects with lame questions in an attempt to get them to say yes is manipulative and insulting. Instead, ask open-ended questions to elicit their needs. Treat them with respect by tailoring your questions to their company, industry and circumstances.
There are few instances more uncomfortable than observing this error in person. Believe me, I’ve been on many sales calls where I have seen salespeople make this mistake.
As they say, read the entire article.