I came across this article that is almost a year old on EyesOnsSales website this morning. It is titled Why Success is a Science (membership required). It is a short read but the author makes some great points.

First, your current thinking regarding your abilities, your product and your industry is habitual – and we call that programming. This programming is buried in your subconscious mind, and it drives your behavior on a daily basis.

These programs, or paradigms, came from outside sources and we often accept them without question. Many times our paradigm contains lack and limitation because a parent, teacher, coach, or another person we respected wanted to protect us from disappointment. They told us to “be realistic”, “don’t expect too much”, “life is hard” and many other disempowering beliefs. The moment you accept their programs, they drive your behavior and often limit your results. He gives four steps to start breaking down these barriers and building habits that will improve results. They are:

  1. Set a clear and measurable goal. Make it one that you are excited about accomplishing.
  2. Write your goal in the present tense. This will cause you to fully associate to the achievement of your goal.
  3. Write your goal every single day, carry it with you everywhere you go, and read it as often as possible.
  4. Take action and make daily decisions with your goal in mind.

And finally commit to these 4 steps for 30 days to build a new habit. Again the article is a quick read and definitely worth the investment of time.

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