Here is a job title of a job posting I read this morning on one of the 2 large boards:
Here is the opening line of the ad:
EARN AN EXTRA $1,000 a Week Working Less Than an Hour a Day, or $500 a Day Working 2-3 Hours a Day.
As an aside, it is a good policy to be highly suspicious of any position that leads with your ability to earn more doing less. Perhaps couch potatoes are their top prospects.
I realize in a recession with extremely high unemployment that these types of positions materialize. However, the two big boards are being overrun by these ridiculous ads. It hasn’t taken long for these ads to swell up to 25-35% of the sales ads for any given day.
Clearly the job boards are trying to survive this economy, too, so I understand their desire for revenue. However, the quality, and usefulness, of the two big boards is falling precipitously as these types of ads become a higher percentage of the listings.