According to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. According to a recent post on Recruiting Trends and a 2007 survey from DDI & Monster regarding corporate hiring systems:
Less than 50% stated that they were satisfied with current selection systems. At least two-thirds expressed dissatisfaction with the efficiency of hiring systems, even with access to automation technology to help organize and track applicant information.
From our experience in the sales world, I would have to say those dissatisfied numbers are much higher when it comes to the results of their hiring system or process for salespeople. So why not change the system? It could be that they are comfortable with what they are doing or don’t think that there is a better way. Any answer would only be speculation on my part, but it is quite clear from the survey that what they are doing, for the most part, isn’t working well.
In the sales world I believe that using an applicant tracking system (ATS) is not the right answer unless your sale always goes through an RFP/RFQ process. Before you go off the deep end, hear me out. In an ATS-structured process, you are not even considered an applicant until you enter your info into the system much like a company putting an RFP or RFQ out for bid responses. If the candidate’s information doesn’t trip the right keywords, they may be missed all together.
But what if a top notch salesperson contacts you directly? Are they even considered or do you tell them to apply online and you will review their information? Would you want a salesperson that just goes along with the system, i.e. responds to the quote and waits for a call from you? Or are you hiring them to get your value proposition in play with a new prospect?
So why not try something different and increase your likelihood of success? This is the biggest hurdle we face as we move through our unique process with new customers. Clients seem to get uncomfortable or nervous and want to revert back to their old habits. I know that Einstein’s quote is often quoted, but the next time you are going to hire a salesperson, stop and review your system before you start down that same path. Call us if you are stuck in that rut and not sure how to get out. We would love to help you break the rut.