can be found at the supermarket according to the latest Harris Interactive poll (h/t

This year€™s annual Harris Poll ranking industries on how well they serve consumers finds that the supermarket industry does the best job according to U.S. adults. Fully 92 percent of adults think supermarkets generally do a good job, and only eight percent think they do a bad job, giving them a net positive score of 84 percentage points.

Other industries that receive high net scores are:

  • online search engines (77 points positive);
  • computer hardware companies (64 points positive);
  • computer software companies (61 points positive);
  • hospitals (58 points positive);
  • banks (56 points positive); and
  • packaged food companies (55 points positive)

Who knew?  Well, I guess the 10 year trend has always had supermarkets at the top so I guess Harris Interactive knew.

One key point I learned from a sales trainer long ago is that the number 1 reason why customers leave is because they do not feel appreciated any more.  He used to repeatedly state, “Your top customer is your competition’s top prospect.”

I found that to be too true when I worked at a company with a lackluster customer service department.  We used to refer to them as the “customer prevention department.”

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