We have a couple of approaches to purchasing gasoline within our company. If you are like me, you keep a close eye on the price of gas and attempt to purchase it before it spikes. If not, you are similar to the Hammer who fills up whenever and wherever he needs gas regardless of the price.
I read an article on ManageSmarter.com that provided a link to software for your phone. The “Cheap Gas” widget is a free application from GetMobio. They provide an entire suite of applications designed to help cell phone users with a variety of tasks.
The program has over 50 applications and the “Cheap Gas” widget allows users to instantly search and compare gas prices for any geographical location€”determined by a user-provided street address€”as well as search gas prices by brand. The application also presents map displays for all gas station locations within the direct area.
I doubt the Hammer will add this widget to his phone, but I highly recommend it.