I’ve said it before, desperation is a tough sell. I received an email last night from a company that I have not contacted directly. I used their free service one time 3 months ago.
Now the desperate-sounding rep sent me an email pushing for business. See if you can spot his approach (I removed some names):
We are currently at the end of another month and I promised to catch up with you to let you know about Month End incentives, pricing discounts and free services.
Forget what you know about company’s pricing as it stands now. We have lowered all prices on all services and even lowered minimum commits for smaller businesses.
Tell me your thoughts on pricing and I will do my best to accommodate you!!!
If this isn’t the month or quarter for these type projects….Please send me some feedback. That way.. neither of us waist time.
Spelling errors aside, I think he may be trying to sell on price. Subtle like a sledgehammer, isn’t he?
This is a well-known company and I sense either this rep is in serious trouble with his quota or the company is about to collapse. I’m guessing the former is accurate.