Strangely, I have come across a couple different articles on PowerPoint etiquette this afternoon. I’m an auditory person so I prefer talking, listening and reading for communication. However, I realize that the majority of people are visual so PowerPoint is an important tool for selling (and training).
Selling Power chimes in with How to Speak Visually which caught my attention because, first off, I can’t speak well to visuals and second, it is a bit of an oxymoron. The article is a tactical advice column with this interesting tidbit:
Open your palms. Open palms represent truth. Practice saying phrases like, Whats in it for you? and What does all this mean for you? while opening your palms toward the audience. You’ll appear far more honest and approachable than if your hands remain closed.
I didn’t know that, but it seems to make some sense (I have no idea why). I am sitting here trying to figure out how one would naturally show their palms during a presentation. Perhaps a lot of “this or that” commentary with matching hand motions?