This trait is one to measure in all salespeople since it reveals much of how they approach prospects, how they handle rejection and how they hold up under stress.

Sense of Self
The ability of a salesperson to realize and appreciate their own unique self-worth. They base these feelings on internal factors as opposed to external ones. This internal feeling of value allows them to appreciate themselves based on who they know themselves to be on the inside. They do not judge themselves based solely on what they do, what role they occupy or what success they attain. This capacity could also be considered the level of €œself acceptance.€

A salesperson with strength in this trait is able to value themselves as a unique entity aside and apart from their role or ambition. They base their value on their own internal standards.  This internal €œhappiness€ with one€™s self plays a crucial role in job performance and satisfaction.

A weakness in this area can be a major deterrent and manifest itself in a person in different ways; domineering, perfectionism, risk aversion and/or the inability to handle criticism or rejection effectively.

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