We’ve posted about no-email Fridays and those companies that want to encourage face-to-face meetings and phone calls that day. Now ManageSmarter.com offers a different perspective on being accessible – Office Vs. The Field: Accessibility.

The premise of their article is to pit one sales manager’s opinion against one salesperson’s opinion on a specific topic. This time the question is:

Should salespeople be accessible 24 hours a day?

Both manager and salesperson agree that they should be available. I concur. Technology today allows for salespeople to be responsive in ways that solidify the customer relationship. I particularly like the sales manager’s take on technology:

It€™s a salesperson’s responsibility to keep on top of BlackBerrys, cell phones, etc. While this may cut into relaxation, anyone who is determined to succeed must know that there is always a competitor out there, somewhere, gunning for your clients. Business is moving at the speed of light. The pace is a lot quicker and, if someone is out of reach, that can mean the business goes away.

Very true. Our business is one that operates 6 days a week for certain and sometimes into Sunday (though we do try to set that day aside). That is simply the way of the world. Interestingly enough, we often receive emails from CEOs, Presidents and Owners on Sunday evening as they prepare for their upcoming work week. Our PDA phones are invaluable for these communications.

Finally, the salesperson in this article shares his thoughts (again, with which I agree):

Ironically, the BlackBerry gives me the ability to have a life. I can go somewhere without having to be afraid that I€™m missing something.

I view it the same way. I have my Moto Q which allows me to be updated on email, voicemail and to carry around numerous files in case I need them. The technology enables more freedom while still being accessible.

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