Just read this title for a sales position:

Major Regional Account Sales Representative

That almost reads like the author was attempting to stuff keywords into the position’s title. As you know, I am finicky about titles since they are so important for online ads. Here is my first impression of this wordy title:

Major = big accounts
Regional = I’ll have a geographic territory
Account = B2B, no consumer sales
Sales = understood
Representative = warning – mouse nuts position

Now when I reread the title, I suspect that they were using “Sales Representative” which didn’t generate much interest. Their solution was to add title words that carry more clout. I could be completely wrong, but that is the impression I get as a candidate.

I tend to stay away from “Representative” in titles unless it truly is an entry-level sales position. Companies that have strong name recognition or market leadership positions seem to be the only ones that can successfully use that title.

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