Smoke screens are moves prospects use on salespeople that appear to be reasons for not moving forward with a deal. Many times these smoke screens sound something like this:

We’re going to take a look at all options.

We need 3 quotes before deciding.

We need to think it over.

Smoke, nothing more. If you have salespeople believing these statements are a precursor to a close, take them out to the wood shed on their qualifying. These “prospects” are not qualified and should not be on any forecast. offers up a simple, yet powerful web page that addresses the real objection from the prospect. Their objection falls into 1 (or more) of these 8 areas:

  1. lack of perceived value in the product or service
  1. lack of perceived urgency in purchasing the offering
  1. perception of inferiority to a competitor or in-house offering
  1. internal political issue between parties/ departments
  1. lack of funds to purchase the offering
  1. personal issue with the decision maker(s)
  1. initiative with an external party
  1. “it’s safer to do nothing” perception

Ask your salesperson to answer each one of these 8 topics and you are guaranteed to discover where the smoke is coming from.

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