Your website. Straight from Selling Power’s article Hiring Generation Y:

The most powerful recruiting tool for Generation Y is a company’s Website, says Lloyd. Websites need to be up-to-date, engaging, and constantly evolving. “If you demonstrate the latest technology, you will impress this group,” says Lloyd.

We just placed a salesperson for a customer who did not have a live website. They were reworking the site to tie in with their other companies and I can tell you it was a real stretch. Not only did this company not have a website, they did not have any noticable digital identity. They appeared to be ethereal. Thankfully they brought their new website up the same day they issued the offer to the sales candidate which helped close the deal.

Some more information on Gen Y:

“Generation Y is very energetic and they expect to succeed,” says Lloyd. “They’ve grown up in a culture where they’ve mostly experienced success, yet they have very different values and expectations. They shoot for the moon and they want it right now. It’s a tremendous contrast from the oldest group in the workforce, the traditionalists.”

An example of this expectation. I like the confidence as long as it is properly balanced by humility. Lastly, some advice from the expert:

“Generation Y believes in their own worth and they expect rapid advancement a challenge for organizations with the traditional pyramid structure,” says Lloyd. “Organizations are going to have to be creative to recruit and retain this generation. They have to be much more focused on the individuals and their needs, rather than trying to sell this group on how good their company is. This generation is looking for a place where they can be creative, challenged, have fun, and make a contribution.”

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