Super Bowl week leads to this article from I am a big Tony Dungy fan and the article provides an interesting look at his managing/coaching style (an excellent style in my opinion).

The excerpt that I enjoyed:

The vice president of marketing at a Silicon Valley company attributes rapid turnover at many West Coast technology companies to what he calls “screaming-bully bosses.”

One such boss, a body builder who liked to show off his strength to managers by doing 25 pushups at the start of meetings, called him at all hours to scream about things that had gone wrong. A second bully boss, the CEO of a semiconductor-network start-up, ridiculed him and his colleagues publicly. “He’d pick up something I’d written and say, ‘Who wrote this? A second grader? It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read,’ ” the marketing vice president says.

On a trip to Japan, the CEO exploded after the marketing vice president spent two hours on a Sunday looking for a gift for his wife. Back at headquarters, he was told he’d report to a lower-level executive. “It was my boss’s way of punishing me,” says the marketing vice president, who quit. Also quitting, in quick succession, were the vice president of engineering and the vice president of human resources, who were also tired of their boss’s harangues.

Pushups! What a riot. I would love to attend just one of those meetings – guaranteed I would get thrown out laughing.

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