A couple of weeks ago we posted about a monster.com random interview question generator. One of the strange questions posed to candidates was “Why is there fuzz on a tennis ball?” I kid you not, we are getting hit on that topic. So, being the broad-ranging resource that we are, I had some fun with the search engines and found a simple answer:

The fuzz increases the wind resistance, which slows down the ball and helps the players to volley (hit the ball back and forth without stopping) longer. Without it, the ball would fly off the court after every serve! The fuzz also helps players control the ball, by keeping it stuck to their racquet strings for just a little longer when they hit it.

Nothing like a government website and a page dedicated to child activities to bring meaning to the business world. I still am not certain why this question would be asked in an interview. If there is a philosophical answer, it escapes my simplistic brain.

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