I just caught up to this email from CareerBuilder.com regarding anecdotal stories from hiring managers. These types of stories come out frequently and, honestly, I never get tired of them. Here is the bulleted list:
When asked for the most memorable missteps they encountered when going through resumes, human resource managers and hiring managers reported the following:
• Candidate put God down as a reference (no phone number).
• Candidate listed her hobby as alligator watching.
• Candidate claimed to be a direct descendant of the Vikings.
• Candidate’s email address had “lovesbeer” in it.
• Candidate listed “Master of Time and Universe” under his experience.
• Candidate started off the application with “Do you want a tiger?”
• Candidate specifically pointed out that he was not a gypsy.
• Candidate’s condition for accepting the position was being allowed to bring his pet monkey to the workplace.
• Candidate pointed out, “I’ll have your job in five years.”
• Candidate sent a 24-page resume for a 5-year career.
• Candidate put a picture of her cat on top of her resume.
• Candidate declared himself the LeBron James of table games.
• Candidate sent a video trying to hypnotize the HR manager into hiring him.
That last one is excellent…I’m still laughing.