From the Website Notes enewsletter from Web Pro News:
Matt Bailey, President of SiteLogic said, “Simply getting more and more numbers to your Web site, is not the answer. It’s getting them to react.”
There are three types of searcher:
1. Specific searcher (Sharp shooter)
2. Concept searcher (Shotgun)
3. Idea searcher (Artillery)He said writing content is just as important as the design of the content. Content should answer how it will make life easier. Call things what they are and speak in user’s language.
That is a good point about simplicity …a point I think is often lost in websites. I know we get caught up in our own acronyms and buzzwords. It is always more valuable to speak in the visitor/prospect/customer’s terms and world than it is to speak in your own terms. That truth is found in successful selling and successful marketing.
BTW – great description of the 3 types of searchers.