I’m still a LinkedIn neophyte, but I like the development they are pursuing. From Online Media Daily comes this story – LinkedIn Opens ‘Back End’ To BusinessWeek, Other Web Publishers:
LINKEDIN, A SOCIAL NETWORK TARGETING business professionals, is living up to its name. It’s opening its “back end” to Web publishers that want to bring the network’s functions to their sites. The first publisher to get the LinkedIn invitation, BusinessWeek, wants to use its networking function to make BW’s Web site a place where business types can connect and maybe even make deals–in other words, a place to do business, rather than just read about it.
In one feature, LinkedIn will create links in the text of BusinessWeek editorial content for the proper names of businesses and people. By mousing over the links, the reader can determine how they are connected to the individual or entity in question, including how many of their own contacts are connected.
I often tell candidates that I can’t imagine being in sales and not using LinkedIn.