Competent managers. That’s according to a Kenexa Research Institute survey quoted in (emphasis mine).
Sixty-two percent of employees who said they have an effective manager also said they planned to stay with their job versus 17% of employees who said their manager is ineffective who plan to stay with their job, according to a survey of 10,000 U.S. workers, plus 1,000 workers each in India, China, Brazil, the U.K. and Germany.
No surprise, really. When we first encounter a customer with a turnover problem, we start by looking at management. Typically there is misalignment between the manager and the team or there is misalignment between the position and the current hiring process.
Either way, something is out of alignment. When this misalignment occurs, turnover becomes the defining symptom. Gen Y’s eagerness to grow in their roles through job change is only going to exasperate the retention problem.
The cure is strong managers aligned with a complementary sales team. I know – no small feat. Yet, through developing your current team and making the proper hiring adjustments, it can be done.