We’re in full-fledge sourcing mode here at Select Metrix and I am taking up the task of resume mining. I am aghast at what I am finding. A new trend that I have seen before, but not to this level, is writing without capitalization. I know this is an offshoot of texting. My dislike of this improper writing format probably reveals my lack of appreciation for text messaging. I don’t do it – email is fine with me.
Online resumes are difficult to manage in that the formatting is often truncated and oddly spaced due to the job board’s coding. Yet, capitalization is not affected. I just read through a resume in which the person did not even use capital letters in their name! Good grief.
I’m sourcing for a complex sale that involves a definite aesthetic ability. This person’s presentation of their skills left me lacking. You know, I think I am bumping up against the Gen Y style of communication. However, hiring is a formal process that requires candidates to adjust their approach to the proper level of formality.
There are some restaurants where you simply cannot get in without a coat and tie. If you want to eat there, you have to adjust your normal attire to the proper formality. Call me old fashioned, but I view resumes and job searches in the same light.