This week we focus on a thorn in many sales manager’s sides but this trait is one where strength may not actually be beneficial to success in sales.
Respect For Policies
The ability of a salesperson to see and appreciate the value of conducting business affairs according to the defined intent of company policies and standards.
A salesperson with strength in this trait generally understands the philosophies of the corporate structure and will strive to conduct business according to those standards. They will honor the concept of doing things according to the rules and regulations of the company.
A weakness in this area indicates a salesperson who does not have a clear picture or concept of the function of rules and regulations. They may feel that a company policy is only to be utilized when they are practical and functional. The policy can be broken whenever it hinders the effective and practical execution of their job. This does not mean that they actively seek to violate company policy for the sake of breaking rules. Instead, they may honestly feel that the policies are only guidelines to be used in the execution of their responsibilities (not laws always to be obeyed).