According to this quick blurb from the Pioneer Press – Talkin’ ’bout Y Generation (emphasis mine):
Generation Y is coming of age, and “manage” – as in telling them what to do and how to do it – appears not to be in their vocabulary.
Gen Y was born between 1977 and 1995, and Fortune (June 4) says the 20-somethings really are different. “This is the most high-maintenance work force in history. The good news is they’re also going to be the most high-performing,” the magazine reports.
Companies that want to attract the stars of this highly competitive generation must be creative. At JPMorgan, for instance, job candidates can play Fantasy Futures, a virtual trading game in the fantasy football mold. Spotting a Gen Y member isn’t especially difficult, says Fortune. Just look for the boombox earphones, hipster clothes, designer coffee, BlackBerry, iPod, laptop and digital camera.
We have a customer who refers this generation as “wired.” An apt description.