I came across an interesting article from Selling Power titled “Stop Nodding and Ask.” A far too common mistake I make with my wife is nodding as if I am paying attention, understand and agree with her. This interaction usually occurs when I think I am just too busy to stop what I’m doing and listen to what she has to say. Unfortunately, she always catches me and rightly busts my chops. You would think after 23 years of marriage I would learn.
Okay the article isn’t written for the purpose of having better spousal communication. It is written for salespeople to ensure that they don€™t fall into the trap of simply nodding their heads and pretending that they understand or agree with the prospect. Joel Epstein, CEO of Friction Factor and author of The Little Book on Big Ego gives some great tips that we as salespeople can use to push our ego aside and ask questions (instead of vacantly nodding).
ADMIT to yourself that you don€™t understand.
ASK for clarification when you don€™t €œget it.€
ADJUST your thought process to accept and understand the new concept.
ACHIEVE incredible growth by learning something new or embracing a new concept.