The Psychology Of 2

We enjoy telling prospects that if we performed perfectly in our process, they would interview only 1 candidate and hire him or her.  That would be it – task completed.  But we aren’t that good and our clients seem to want more than one interview. There is definitely a psychology behind 2 choices – people like choices especially when they are not certain of their selection.  When out of control, this desire for numbers can lead to a “never-good-enough” mindset that thinks there might be a slightly better candidate out there.  Probably true, but how long can you afford to wait and how much better will that candidate be? Our approach is… Read More

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The Feathers Are Fine

Velvet Hammer’s recent post, Retention Past Retirement, did not “ruffle my feathers.” Nice try, Hammer Boy. As we read more and more about the “graying” of the workforce, it should stimulate some thoughts and conversation about experience and how to take advantage of the experienced workers wishing to remain active. Elizabeth Hocking, writing in the Small Business Times had this to say: To combat the graying of its workforce while recruiting and retaining younger employees, Cleaver Brooks started a mentoring program about two years ago. Older workers are paired with younger workers to share their experiences and mistakes, helping the younger workers move more quickly up the ladder, Pfefferkorn said.… Read More

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An Objective Step For Hiring

We are strong proponents of using assessments for hiring – it is the backbone of our system. Yet, many people still have some hesitancy in completing the assessments. offers up Why Wasn’t I Interviewed After Taking Personality Quiz? which is a Q&A article about whether or not to complete the assessments. This mindset is almost unbelievable to me. From the article: Answer: Being asked to take a pre-employment personality test often puts candidates between a rock and a hard place. If you refuse, you won’t move further along in the hiring process. If you agree and take the test, you may be screened out without further contact with the… Read More

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Sales Traits Series – Empathetic Outlook

This week we look at a critical sales trait that involves the salesperson’s ability to read the other person. Obviously, this ability has a tremendous impact on success. One key note – there is a fine line between too much empathy and not enough. This key factor is an aptitude we measure in all salespeople. Empathetic Outlook This is the ability to perceive and understand the feelings and attitudes of others – to place oneself €œin-the-shoes€ of another and to be able to view a situation from their perspective. It involves being conscious of how one€™s actions will impact others. A salesperson with strength in this trait will be able… Read More

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