Compensation Limitations

The illustrious Mr. Hammer has been attempting to illicit a response from me regarding Executive Compensation. His latest post Why Executive Salary Caps Don€™t Work requires a response. Maybe I missed it in his post, but, I don’t see where Mr. Hammer separates the “Public” domain from the “Private” domain. Two very different worlds. First a confession. I’ve been known to manage and exploit a compensation plan to it’s fullest. Actually, I am quite proud of the fact that I’ve made some CEO, CFO and HR types very, very unhappy. Getting the most out of a compensation plan is EXACTLY what you should expect from a top-level sales person. Exactly… Read More

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Why Executive Salary Caps Don’t Work

The title of this post is a shot across the bow of Red Bird since he and I go toe-to-toe on this topic. I am a strong proponent of letting the market determine executive pay. I trust the market as the best arbitrator of compensation. The principle works every time it is tried – if the executive is overpaid, he or she will be dismissed. If they are underpaid, he or she will receive an increase. Seems fair to me. I realize I am oversimplifying the issue, but I want to make a point. It does not bother me that the head of Exxon received a $400 million comp package.… Read More

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Top Tactics For Every Sales Call

The stereotypical description of a “good” salesperson is his or her ability to talk.  Granted, good communication skills are extremely important in successful selling, but there is far more to it than just that ability. posts What to Know Before Every Sales Call which details common sense goals for each sales call. A dramatic shift in selling today involves prospect expectations.  A salesperson is expected to understand general market conditions for a prospective company before contacting them.  The salesperson also needs to have a general qualifying system to discover the information needed to either move forward or move on.  What doesn’t work is the salesperson who believes they can simply… Read More

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