The Blogosphere references the latest Technorati summary of the blogosphere in A Billion Bloggers? As you may have guessed from the title, there are many blogs out there. A taste of some statistics from the lengthy article: Put simply, the growth of the blogosphere since March 2001 is the upward trajectory of a sine wave, from zero “weblogs” then to 57 million blogs today. And the number continues to grow by 3 million blogs per month, or 100,000 per day. A total of 1.3 million posts per day. At times, I believe I have my RSS reader set up to read every one of those posts.

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Verification Statistics

You have seen multiple posts from us here at The Hire Sense on background verification and it’s importance in the hiring process. This morning as I was scanning through some online content, I came across some statistics from Verified Credentials on verification discrepancies. 10% of criminal background searches contain discrepancies 18.42% of academic verifications contain discrepancies 41.07% of employment verifications contain discrepancies 4.17% of professional license verifications contain discrepancies 1% of personal reference checks contain discrepancies 46.65% of driving records contain discrepancies A discrepancy is defined as “information provided by the applicant which does not agree with the information verified.” This does not always mean that the discrepancy would disqualify… Read More

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Sales Traits Series – Results Orientation

Last week, we defined Project and Goal Focus which is important for successful selling in any market. Salespeople must stay on target over extended periods of time while overcoming many obstacles. The companion aptitude to Goal Focus is Results Orientation. It is one thing to stay on target, it is another thing to actually accomplish the tasks needed to reach that target. A salesperson with little aptitude for achieving results will be the proverbial “cloud of dust” salesperson. You will see a cloud of dust kicked up by all of their activity, but at the end of the day, the wagon hasn’t moved. Results Orientation The ability to identify actions… Read More

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