Our local St. Paul Pioneer Press offers up a tantalizing headline with no meat to the story – To blog or not to blog? The alleged purpose of this 3 paragraph story is to discuss whether companies should blog or not (ed.-they should). However, take a look at this closing paragraph:
One should always keep in mind that bloggers aren’t held to the same standards as, say, newspapers, governments or publicly traded companies when it comes to factual accuracy (or good spelling and grammar). But, once one applies that large grain of salt, this batch of blogs can be a tasty buffet.
Right. Anyone who reads the New York Times can see their “factual accuracy” on display. An extensive editorial process will not correct agenda journalism. Blogs and the Internet are direct threats to the ever-declining newspaper circulation. I would recommend taking this newspaper reporter’s commentary with a boulder-sized grain of salt.
In terms of business, blogging is a communication stream that allows prospective customers, vendors and employees to experience the company in a highly personalized manner. I believe the day is coming when people will be surprised when a company does not have a blog.
Can you imagine a company without a website today?