A few months back we posted on an article from CareerBuilder.com titled Top 10 Interview No No’s. One of the top 10 “no-no’s” is a topic that we discuss with our clients regularly. It is: 2. No Opening Monologue – It is often tempting to have a monologue at the beginning of your time with a candidate. Giving too much information about the type of candidate you are seeking, or providing a substantial amount of information about the position and responsibilities can be detrimental. Giving too many details upfront leads a candidate to tell you what you want to hear, instead of what he/she actually thinks. Do simple introductions and… Read More
Continue ReadingTermination Tips
Firing an employee is usually a difficult task unless things have degraded to a point where you are eager to terminate them. Nonetheless, there are some tips available for doing it the “right” way. CareerBuilder has a solid, basic article that hits the high points of terminating an employee – What to Know About Letting an Employee Go. Here’s a good tip from the article: It’s About Time It used to be the general consensus that late Friday afternoon was considered the ideal time to drop the hammer on an employee. But experts in the Human Resources industry now believe that earlier in the day, or even the week, is… Read More
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I laughed out loud when I read this headline from CareerBuilder’s recent newsletter, 46% of Workers Have Gained Weight at Their Current Jobs. I have to admit that I am in with the 46% so naturally I had to read the article. CareerBuilder.com surveyed more than 2,200 workers from June 6 to June 16, 2006. Here are some of their findings: 20% say they are more than 10 pounds heavier. 10% say they are more than 20 pounds heavier. 57% of government workers gained weight. 54% off IT workers gained weight. 53% of accounting/finance workers gained weight. 35% of retail workers gained weight. 39% of sales workers gained weight. Well,… Read More
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