More Bad Ad Writing

Just saw this title to a sales position ad (emphasis mine): Regional Sales Manager Job “Job”…seriously?  Don’t do this in your ads.  Salespeople, especially young salespeople, are looking for opportunities, careers, even a path.  If you promote the position as a job, you will instantly limit the perspective, or upside, of the position.

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Don’t Write Ads Like This

I’m browsing through job postings in a specific sales category and I read this sentence in a fairly high-level position: The tols are here for you to make a diference in our busines and your carer. The modern day tools available to writers for proofing your text are abundant.  The entire ad has a similar “minimalist” use of double letters.  It is rather odd, isn’t it?

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Write It Don’t Hide It

There seems to be some ethereal ad writing of late that I am not certain I understand.  I read a sales manager ad this morning that was written by a recruiting company for their client.  Here is the “Job Requirements” section: All sales will be direct at this time. What?  I have no idea what that means in context of the requirements.  The simple, best approach to writing sales ads is to use descriptive language that allows the reader to see themselves in the position.  Our goal is always to write ads that make the right candidate know that we are describing their abilities. This ad falls far short of… Read More

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