In this issue:

Under Pressure

►►Featured Article◄◄

The Phone Screen

Step 3 of 6

Application in Action:

Subtle Use of Pressure

Metrix Medley

Select Metrix Newsletter

March, 2005                                                                                     Vol. 1, Issue 3

Under Pressure

Last month we introduced the key areas for authoring ads that attract the right salespeople.  The second key in the ad was to move the candidates to a phone call.  This month�s articles introduce the third step in our process-The Phone Screen.

Sales is different in that most salespeople have highly refined people skills.  Their careers require an ability to build rapport with strangers which initiates the selling process.  Unfortunately, many salespeople possess only that rapport-building ability and they use it to land on your payroll.

The troubling signs start to surface after a few weeks on your payroll.  We have heard everything from refusing to pick up the phone to the �deer in the headlights� look at company meetings.  The sales manager then attempts to determine if this salesperson�s career at their company is salvageable or terminal.

Schmoozers, as we like to call them, get past even deft interviewers.  However, we have found the antidote for them . . . pressure.  The subtle use of pressure has a disarming, revealing effect on salespeople.  Since sales is a high-pressure occupation, the sales superstars are adept at handling stressful situations and tend to shine in those moments.  The schmoozers stammer, stumble, or at worst, bail under unexpected instances of pressure.

The Select Metrix approach to hiring salespeople takes advantage of every hiring interaction to observe the applicants under pressure.  This month�s articles present some of the tactics we incorporate into the Phone Screen.  This initial contact with the applicants is an opportune time to get your first indication of whether you have superstars or schmoozers on your hands.

Click here for the next article - The Phone Screen


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