Select Metrix is a specialized sales consulting firm that develops and implements custom hiring solutions for small to medium-sized businesses.  Since 2004, we have worked extensively with companies in multiple industries to successfully identify and hire top-performing salespeople.  Our expertise includes improving your salesperson selection, employee effectiveness and leadership communication processes.

The Select Metrix team approach was developed after our years of experience as sales representatives in multiple industries, managers for national corporations, business development sales training and specialized recruiting in the sales arena. Our mix of experiences led to the development of a highly-specialized system for identifying the specific attributes necessary to succeed in different sales roles – the hunter, the farmer, the account executive.

Select Metrix works with executive teams and with human resources, sales leaders and CEO’s.  We partner with our clients to tackle the inherent difficulties in sourcing, screening and selecting salespeople with the exact blend of strengths, skills and motivations for your position’s unique requirements.




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Our specialty is finding the right person for your sales team. Successfully hiring for any sales position is difficult, so before our hiring process begins, we take the time to fully profile your current sales process. Many salespeople typically have enough interpersonal skills to talk their way through a traditional hiring process. Our process will determine if the candidates have the experience, skills and motivation to successfully sell your products or services.

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The focus of our specialized approach is our expertise in objective sales assessments.  Since 2004, we have refined our use of objective assessments to provide hiring managers with an unprecedented look at a sales candidate’s abilities and motivations.  We stand at the intersection of science and art – the predictive analytics of the assessment data plus our interpretation of the data – will predict a candidate’s future sales success.

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We sit on your side of the hiring table to ensure that you select the strongest salesperson for your sale.  Sales talent is never a commodity and finding that talent is a challenge for most companies. The difficulty increases exponentially when sales hiring is an infrequent event that you consider an unpleasant task completed in the margins of your day. Our specialized process takes the unneeded guesswork out of sales hiring and sales development.